About Us
Bringing the Village to You
A famous Nigerian proverb says, “It takes a whole village to raise a child.” In our experience, this is equally true for some journeys to parenthood-- it sometimes takes a whole village to have a child. Village was born out of an observation that the surrogacy process had gotten too complicated and too expensive and a belief that we could help simplify the process and reduce the skyrocketing agency fees to make the process more enjoyable and accessible for a wider spectrum of families.

The Village Difference
Maximizing Value and Reducing Fees:
By limiting our required engagement to the time period where agencies provide the most value (typically the “matchmaking time”—which starts right now and ends at the execution of a direct legal contract between the gestational carrier and the intended parents), we significantly reduce administrative costs and fees.
We realize that there’s not a “one-size-fits-all” formula for a successful surrogacy journey and we’re committed to being there for our families for as much additional time as you need. As evidence of our commitment, we provide flexible a la carte and consulting options for intended parents and gestational carriers who want Village to be involved after the execution of the legal contract and during the medical procedures and/or pregnancy. We want to be there when you need us; but do not require you to pay additional fees if you don’t.

Gestational Carrier Screening Process:
We work with a select group of gestational carriers and intended parents, and we keep our village local. While we hope to help as many parents and gestational carriers as possible, we have (and will) turn down prospective clients if they do not meet Village’s criteria or pass initial screenings. Any gestational carrier that is provided to our parents as a potential match will have passed intensive pre-screening, including an initial mental health screening.
Our belief is that our investment in the carrier screening process, and our concierge hand-picking matching service will expedite and improve the likelihood of a successful match, thereby reducing time, expenses and disappointment.
Concierge Matching Services:
We provide a concierge approach to surrogacy and spend a lot of time reviewing the details so that you don’t have to. We realize there are many things that require your time and attention during this journey, and we don’t believe that you should be required to browse portfolios of candidates who do not meet your criteria and could not result in a successful match for you.
Our experienced team reviews all gestational carrier and intended parent questionnaires so that we can suggest a match to you who meets your preliminary requirements and, who based on the information that has been provided to us, will hopefully result in a successful match.